Friday, April 22, 2011

Christ am I ever Destroyed!

Today was nuts with all the work I managed to get done. My frame, fork and stem are now fully brazed! Just have some touch ups and clean up work to complete and I'll be gtg. I'll probably finish a good portion of the filing/sanding when I return home. Since tomorrow's the last day of class I'll try my best to get a few more photos for all y'allz. Afterwords it's on to Colorado Springs and Pike's Peak! I'll check that shit out Saturday morning for a bit before heading up to Denver. Then Sunday morning I'll be catching my flight back home. Speaking of which, anybody got a bike box I can have? I've been told I can get a box at the airport but I'd rather pack my shit up before getting there. Hopefully I can get my hands on something soon!

In the meantime, here's a couple of snaps from around the area:

Imagine waking up to that view everyday?!

Speaking of waking up, I'm looking forward to waking up in my own bed after being at the Winchester the last couple of weeks! The place is close and hella cheap but MAN.. What a dump! It kinda reminds me of the crappy places I used to go with girlfriends back in the day when we were really young and had no where else to get it on without getting fucked with by cops and their bright lights. Fucking pervs. Minus the nasty bleachy solvent smell you could almost taste the moment you walked through the door of course. This place seems to get more hunters than anything else. Except for that loud couple the other night. Fortunately 99% of it the was the woman. Which I actually didn't mind so much since it managed to drown out the usual soundtrack of the near machine gun rattle my swollen and cut up fingers make against the keyboard of my laptop. Man, some loser huh?! Oh well, there's something to be said about productivity I suppose..

Anyways, more soon!


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