Thursday, August 21, 2008

Semi OT: Doubley good samaritan day!

So I'm on my way to work just now walking down 40th between 5th and 6th when I stumble upon a digital camera just sitting on the sidewalk. What you have to understand about NYC and most other large cities I'm sure, is if you find a piece of electronics on the ground, it's mostly just fallen from the tree so to speak. My initial reaction was: oh nice! as I picked it up and had a quick look around for the owner. The thing about finding something semi nice here in the street is that you've got three choices (if there's no identifying info on the item): 1) Keep it and be stoked 2) Give it to a doorman nearby or something 3) If you have time, wait around for the person to show up...

There are of course issues which each of those choices: 1) Guilt and or Karma 2) Most likely the person will just keep it for their own damn selves and 3) Who the fuck has enough time for themselves let alone to wait around for the dumbass who dropped their shit?

My approach to this conundrum is to merge choices 1 and 3 together to form choice 4:

4) Give the person about 15-20 min to realize their error and run back to the scene. If they don't show, take the item and pass it along to a friend who is without that particular electronic. Like I did with the 1st gen ipod nano I found on that bench with a pack menthols a while back...

As I sat there waiting I decided to have a look and see what photographs were taken by the owner. It was pretty funny looking through because it was obviously a girl and a friend visiting from some country in Eastern Europe (I can tell cause my family is right off the boat). They had started their day at the Museum of Natural History. Then made their way down through Central Park and Times square. Right up to the point where your humble narrator stumbled upon their camera. Oh BTW.. The chick in the photos was tall, blonde, wearing a tank top and most importantly: HOTT.. So you know my sorry ass was gonna wait around and fantasize about some hott chick about to come running back for her camera only to find my dumbass waiting there for her. Low and behold not a few minutes later do I see said hott chick rushing against the crowd of people to see if her camera was still there. It was.. Magical.. Why in gods name I didn't take any photo/video for evidence I do not know.. But that's okay though, it was our moment. As she approached I held her camera out and said "Aha, I've been waiting for you!" To which she smiled wide while on the verge of tears: "My god thank you! You are my angel!!" in that type of thick european accent that makes you want to pre-jizz yourself. As we both walked along heading off in the same direction I described how I valiantly waited and perused her photos looking for a picture to help me identify her. To which she kept repeating the whole 'you're my angel' thing.. Yeah.. I ate it up...

Anyways, she ran off to meet up her friend (not so hott). Of course as she did was when I finally thought to myself: 'You asshole! Why the fuck didn't you take a photo for your blog?!' Yes, as pathetic as it sounds, that thought does cross my mind more often than not. I then sped up my pace thinking I might still have a chance to take one of her real quick. I caught up to her and the not so hot friend at the intersection of 5th and 40th. Right as I was about to make my move I hear that unmistakable sound of a pedal screeching across the pavement. I immediately turned to my left and saw some kid on a fixer sliding across the ground towards me. Right as that happened traffic from 40th street began lurching forward. I then jumped in between him and the traffic holding up my hand and screaming STOP! Because as we all know he would've had a better chance of not being run over had he been a bright orange street cone the way the fucking drivers are here. Once the cars stopped I turned around and the kid was getting up. I asked him if he was okay and he said 'yes'. I gave him a pat on the back and told him to take it easy...

Realizing my moment with the hott chick had now long passed, I decided to just get back in line with the rest of the sheep and shuffle along to work. Though I did so feeling a slight sense of accomplishment for the day. Which was nice up until the moment I set foot in my office all of two minutes later... uuuuuUUUUUG!


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