Saturday, June 28, 2008

This shit will blow you the fuck away.. Just not in a good way...

Let's see.. How can we sum up everything bad about the current state of affairs, give it a hip power to the people style galvanizing sound, then sell it to the Millennials for bank?

Well look no further because here's the answer!:

I mean, come on.. Are you for real? Is this a joke? That shit seriously blew me away.. Go on, listen to the cheese ball lyrics and you'll see what I mean. Better still, listen to them while looking into a mirror. You'll notice that the veins in your forehead will begin to throb followed by your eyes completely glazing over. Honestly, I don't give a rat's fucking ass about how good you can string a verse (or how poorly for that matter), but please, please stop coming up with this CORNY FUCKING TRASH! If you're looking to do something for the betterment of society, put forth a bill to congress outlawing Apple's Garage Band program! Seriously.. We really, really need to take that shit away from the masses. They just can't be trusted with ANYTHING AT ALL. It's bad enough we're stuck with the likes of fucking Fall Out Boy because of it...



® said...

Hey Dude. Just caught up with your history of how you got your bikes... man i can only wish...

Auntie Maim said...

Got about 20 seconds in and started to feel damage. The trouble with teaching tolerance is it's used as a shite selling license.

Alan Sikirić said...

R: hehe, wassup sucka! Glad you're back! Glad you dug the story too- I mean, how can you not right? I was just at the right place at the right time. Duuuuumb luck!

AM: You said man! Shit. is. PAINFUL!!