Tuesday, January 20, 2009

There's so much going on today...

...I don't even know where to start. It's amazing how you can spend three days away from the internet, something I've found myself to rely on like a crutch to get me through the work week, and not really give a shit.. I guess it helps being surrounded by something other than concrete..

First of all, I'm pretty bummed that I have to be at work instead of watching the Inauguration- BUT, I am going to enjoy the fact that this is Bush's last day in office...

I BLEW A FUCKING GASKET watching the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica Last night...

..aaaand here's a few tid bits which are sure to be old news by now...

Sweet Samson with a Superbe group:

and a wwwwicked Rosa:

With any luck there'll be more interesting things coming in the next few weeks...


1 comment:

Chocobot said...

I thought the new episode was kind of weak. The plot line has become a bit convoluted and without a real enemy the show doesn't seem to have that edge.

Haha, my word verification was "Gatica"