Friday, March 12, 2010

Freshly built Yamaguchi Asymetric frame #5 spotted!!!

I just spotted this over on this new site I found today called NUT BUTTER:

Naturally i was shocked and called Yamaguchi right away inquiring about this new build Kiochi did. Found out it was a new custom made for a former student. Super, super rad seeing one of these built again!

For years I've been wanting to get a newly produced custom one for myself but figured Kiochi wasn't going to make anymore. Yes, I know I already have one but it def is a bit too small for me. Not to mention the historical significance of being from that era of when they were originally produced for the 92' olympics. Once I found out there were only four total it made me a bit more nervous about rolling around the streets on it. I actually got T-Boned by a car on it once! Thankfully it wasn't too high speed serious and I only walked away with a scrape and got the wind knocked out of me. Yes, the bike was fine too.. thanks..

Anyways, part of me would like to donate the frame back to Kiochi so it can reside in his awesome personal collection. One of these days I'll actually go take his fucking class (like I've been wanting to for like 6 years now) and I can hand it to him in person. Maybe he'll hook me up with a little credit towards a new one??

In any case, I'm stoked to see #5 painted and built up- should be awesome!



Unknown said...

i am going to his class this summer and am beyond psyched.

Unknown said...

If you ever come in contact with an automobile on that beautiful bike you better throw yourself under the bus to save it. You selfish bastard.