Monday, August 29, 2011

Self inflating tire? Really??

I noticed this on Engadget last night and am once again, totally let down by the way that modern conceptual design seems to continuously fail when it comes to anything related to a 'better' bicycle product:

While being an interesting concept it's pretty obvious that here in the real world, it's not going anywhere. 90% of the 'casual riders' out there don't even understand the concept that air is required in their tires in the first place never mind on a regular basis. Seriously tho, when was the last time you saw someone casually riding a tire that wasn't half flat? Oh and the price, yeah, not happening. People who aren't going to spring for a pump ain't going for those either. I mean, those things look like they'd wear out long before the user would get their money's worth..

This is just yet another way to appease the population's ever increasing fucking laziness. JUST BUY A PUMP AND USE IT FOR FUCKS SAKE! What does it take, 2 min maybe? Come on. Get with it already people. If you're going to make a better bike product, try focusing on something that's a liiiiitle more practical that people would actually use and spring the extra dough for..

Unless you want something to go along with your automatic scissors of course :-/


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