Monday, June 30, 2008
Fixed Gear Gallery: STAFF BLOGS!

As you could imagine, I'm pretty stoked! I've coveted Fixed Gear Gallery for many a year now and I look forward to contributing to an awesome site...
Fixed Gear Gallery: STAFF BLOGS!
While I may be over the whole Campy fetish thing...
While I may be over the whole Campy fetish thing...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
This shit will blow you the fuck away.. Just not in a good way...
Well look no further because here's the answer!:
I mean, come on.. Are you for real? Is this a joke? That shit seriously blew me away.. Go on, listen to the cheese ball lyrics and you'll see what I mean. Better still, listen to them while looking into a mirror. You'll notice that the veins in your forehead will begin to throb followed by your eyes completely glazing over. Honestly, I don't give a rat's fucking ass about how good you can string a verse (or how poorly for that matter), but please, please stop coming up with this CORNY FUCKING TRASH! If you're looking to do something for the betterment of society, put forth a bill to congress outlawing Apple's Garage Band program! Seriously.. We really, really need to take that shit away from the masses. They just can't be trusted with ANYTHING AT ALL. It's bad enough we're stuck with the likes of fucking Fall Out Boy because of it...
This shit will blow you the fuck away.. Just not in a good way...
Friday, June 27, 2008
sssssssSLLLLAMIN' NOS DeRosa!!!
Something ever muffin top lesbian couple should own!
Something ever muffin top lesbian couple should own!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just bringing you some jaw dropping market highs!

Another set of used Aerospokes that can be yours for mere sum of $795

Mucho retardo no?...
With any luck this trend will die like skateboarding did back in the late 80's so I can go back to getting parts at more reasonable prices...
ooooo did I just say that?!
Just bringing you some jaw dropping market highs!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
AWWWWESOME Viner fixer from Philly!
AWWWWESOME Viner fixer from Philly!
HUUUGE Nagasawa frame!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
sssssssssssSEXY MAMA!

sssssssssssSEXY MAMA!
THE ugliest mufuckin' frame EVERRRR!!!
THE ugliest mufuckin' frame EVERRRR!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Bianchi Pista concept sells for $800 bucks!
Bianchi Pista concept sells for $800 bucks!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Dream find: 1973 Schwinn Paramount roadie STILL. IN. THE. WRAPPER!!!
The Dream find: 1973 Schwinn Paramount roadie STILL. IN. THE. WRAPPER!!!
Sweeeeet minty 80's Merckx pista on ebay!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
This may not be brutal bloody metal but...
While there is quite possibly NOTHING better than bikes, AND girls...
While there is quite possibly NOTHING better than bikes, AND girls...
WICKED Masi Road bike from Speed Bicycles!

WICKED Masi Road bike from Speed Bicycles!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Bilenky Viewpoint spotted on ebay- 4 REAL?!!
Bilenky Viewpoint spotted on ebay- 4 REAL?!!
Once again heeee's KILLING ME!!!
Once again heeee's KILLING ME!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track Forks Review...
I only wish I'd received this fine piece of American craftsman ship earlier in the day. It would've made short work of some coworkers of mine, hehe. The fork itself is pretty sweet and looks like it could take any and all abuse one could possible dish out. We're talking full on beefy steel forks with a decent amount of weight to em. I'd say somewhere in the 3-4lb range. From what I hear the added weight makes the actual act of balancing and spinning the bars easier. The other key factor is the extra clearance needed to actually spin a 700c wheel all the way around without bumping the DT. Apparently there's even enough clearance to mount a 28c tire on there. Just check out Prolly's whip...
As for price and availability, I have no clue. I'll be sure to update this post when and if I find out any more info...
UPDATE: The owner of the forks pictured told me they set him back $200 bones straight up and that they were ready to go right away. No wait time. Not sure how often these are stocked but the way things are going with fixsters these days BMW is going to have their hands full...
Brooklyn Machine Works Gangsta Track Forks Review...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
OT: Most amazing office FREAK OUT VIDEO(S) EVER!
Office Worker Goes Absolutely Insane - Watch more free videos
OT: Most amazing office FREAK OUT VIDEO(S) EVER!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Not for the faint of heart...
30 year old Alejandro Alvarez, from Brownsville,Texas, was pronounced dead on the scene, while Alejandro Salvador Tamez, 18, Juan Machaita, 38, and Guadalupe Martinez,, 16, were severely injured.
Cyclists were participating in a race from Matamoros to Bagdad Beach, when drunk driver Jesse Campos, a Brownsville, Texas resident, in his Ford Grand Marquis, license 659-FKF from Texas, impacted seven cyclists, even as they were being escorted by Local Transit Officials.
Source: Periodico El Bravo
Pictures: Fidelino Vera
...and if that's not brutal enough for you, check out these AWESOME comics about rescue stories from May 12th Earthquake in China...
Not for the faint of heart...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Bootleg Peel Sessions Event 08'
This one's pretty rad:
This one would've been rad too had I not somehow caught a MEGA BLAST from Chris M's flash:
UPDATE: So I've been reading here and there about how there were so many people taking photos at Peel. Some even joked that there were more photographers than actual riders, hehe. So I've changed my mind about this blown out photo I took. Before the over exposure was bothered me but now that I think about it, the photo is more indicative of the moment. Which in the end makes it even more RAD.... Do you hear that people? Yet another prime example of how bullshitting is art form in and of itself. Thank youuuu SVA!!
And lastly, a photo that is a pretty good representation of the love and hate I have for somehow being a part of all this nonsense:
Bootleg Peel Sessions Event 08'