Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This one's for the Prollmeister!

For those of you who didn't know, Mr. Prolly is pretty, hot on his, Merkcxzzuhzuzuzhzz so when I spotted one in his size I figured I'd make him aware:

Sounds like it's got some history too!



bart said...

hahaha, that one is being sold, sort of, just around the corner where i live...(yeah, you got an international following ;-) Love your blog!)

That guy normaly also sells lot's of campy stuff.

Prolly said...

Great, thanks for blowing up the spot. Now there will be 1,000's of goons bidding against me!



Alan Sikirić said...

Bart - I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat french toast! aahaha, you just reminded me of that BBoy rhyme for some reason - Glad you dig the blog man! Go gank some C-record hubs for me from that dudes place ;)

Prolls - AAahhaha, what a dick move! Tho I figured my posting it won't make all too much a difference seeing as how it's a HUGE frame and you have three of the freaking things already, hehe..

Alan Sikirić said...

Bart - I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat french toast! aahaha, you just reminded me of that BBoy rhyme for some reason - Glad you dig the blog man! Go gank some C-record hubs for me from that dudes place ;)

Prolls - AAahhaha, what a dick move! Tho I figured my posting it won't make all too much a difference seeing as how it's a HUGE frame and you have three of the freaking things already, hehe..

craig said...

HOLY BALLS that corsa extra prolly has is amazing! I wish I would grow just a bit to get me out of the ever so popular 54cm bikes.